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Research Core

Sex-Based Precision Medicine Research Core

Mission: The overarching goal of the Sex-Based Precision Medicine Research Core (SPMRC) isto promote and support sex and gender-based precision medicine (SPM) research at the Tulane Center of Biomedical Research Excellence

in Sex-Based Precision Medicine (COBRE in SPM).


We have at our disposal multiple datasets which we can assist in getting your hands on and working with:

eMERGE Network
The eMERGE Network's data features data from 105,000 participants from various areas across the US. These data include genetic sequencing linked to demographics, diagnosis and procedure codes, and a limited number of medications. This data is available on Tulane's local High Performance Computing Cluster, Cypress.

All of Us Research Program
The All of Us Research Program's dataset contains data from over 700,000 participants, including genetic sequencing, procedure and diagnosis codes, medications, and survey responses. This data is available on the All of Us Researcher Workbench.


We can also assist you in working with and managing your own data.

Meet the SPMRC Team

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